Echelon Services, LLC

Private Investigators serving the legal community

About Echelon Services

Echelon Services is a full service detective agency with a history of producing positive results for our clients. In addition to serving Georgia, we offer services nationwide, and worldwide, through our affiliates and professional associations.

Our clients enjoy knowing that they have entrusted their case to one of Georgia’s premier private investigation firms. We obtain the information you need without wasting your time and money. That’s why more and more attorneys, business owners, insurers, and individuals are turning to Echelon Services as their preferred
investigative partner.

Our clients range in size from large national law firms and corporations with large scale investigations to private individuals looking for assistance on very personal matters. Our reputation for fast, efficient, discrete and thorough investigations is second to none and all of our services are offered at competitive prices.

We provide a wide array of investigative services and specialize in the following areas: Locate Investigations, Asset Investigations, Missing Person Investigations, Fidelity Investigations, and Background Investigations.


Call us today at (678) 281-1850 to discuss your case with an experienced private investigator.

Contact us today to discuss your case, and how we can help you!

(678) 281-1850

GA License: PDC002443